Wednesday 9 September 2009

apam malaysia or apam gula hangus

apam gula hangus [caramel apam]

1 cup coconut milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup sugar for caramel syrup
1 cup water
3 cup flour - sifted
3 eggs
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate
2 drops vanilla essence

1. melt sugar to make caramel. add water when sugar turn golden brown. stir well and let cool. set aside.
2. whisk egg and sugar until smooth. or just blend in blender.
3. add caramel to the eg mixture. mix well.
4. add coconut milk.
5. add sifted flour with sodium bicarbonate scoop by scoop. mix slowly.
6. add vanilla essc.
7. steam 45-60 mins.

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